Isaiah’s Song

Guiltless hands dripping blood-red,
Caught like a bug in a web—
While us sheep were so busy slaughtering lambs,
Our Shepherd broke in with a battering ram.

Now rivers break forth as burning sands
Become rushes and reeds where water meets land.
Exactly where no one expects a deliverer—
You'll find him like a baby floating down that river.

Deaf ears are opened to hear;
The lame leap like deer.
The tongue of the mute is untied,
And his head tilts back to sing songs of delight.

Weak hands are made strong,
And worn out knees stop hobbling along.
Like loneliness dies at the appearance of a friend,
Death has died, and the dead live again.

Those living in darkness have seen a great light,
A pathway for sinners to be made right
As the shadow of death is seared by the bright
Son of Hope rising, giving sight to the blind.

Be strong; fear not, you anxious hearts.
Trust your Shepherd; he will not depart.
To the poor, I have a message: let the good news in!
Blessed is the one who is not offended by him.


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