Teach me

Teach me, oh God,
To number my days.

Teach me
To sing your praise
And pay no mind to the cynic’s rage.

Teach me
That the greatest is the slave
And the fool always saves,
That I may give away
Another day’s wage
To the mouth that is hungry
And cannot pay.

Teach me
That the evil and righteous alike will taste
The sun’s rays—
And also the rain.

Teach me
To remember grace
And forgive always.

Teach me
Not to be dismayed
When the earth begins to shake.

Teach me
That all it takes is a little faith
To be frightened by wind and waves--
Or uproot a mountain from it's place.

Teach me
To number my days.

Teach me
That there is hope beyond the grave.

I know
That Great Tomorrow is not like today.


The Way of a Mother


Considering a Flower