Articles Jon Hunt Articles Jon Hunt

Thankfulness on the Path to Peace

In moments of high anxiety, it may worry that you could lose everything that matters to you. Indeed, terrible things can and do happen. It is undeniable that certain aspects of each of our lives are tragic. But the hope of the gospel is that no tragedy can completely take away our hope.

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Articles Jon Hunt Articles Jon Hunt

It’s Going to Be Okay

In your darkest moments, you may wonder if the sun will ever rise and if your tears will ever stop flowing. Take heart. In not much time, your Shepherd will come. He knows your pain, and he cares deeply. He will wipe your wet cheeks and bring living water to your thirsty lips.

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Articles Jon Hunt Articles Jon Hunt

Rejoice that Your Name is Written in Heaven

People often live with a chronic low-grade dissatisfaction with their lives, a feeling that something, somehow, is missing. So, we often spend our lives blindly chasing accomplishments, because each time we reach a goal, we get a temporary high that makes us feel like everything’s alright.

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Articles Jon Hunt Articles Jon Hunt

God of the Widow, God of the Bride

While you, like Ruth, are likely a man or woman of many stories — some of crushing loss and some of redemption — remember that your God is the God of every season. He has not forgotten you. He is working.

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Articles Jon Hunt Articles Jon Hunt

Teach Us To Pray

For the last few weeks in the mornings as I walk, I have been following along with the words of the prayer Jesus taught. This prayer is not burdensome but light — that is, simple, even short and to-the-point. It’s a relief knowing God isn’t weighing my words, waiting for to me carry bucket loads up the high mountain where he dwells in unapproachable light. No, he kneels down to listen to his children as we speak in the simple language of our hearts.

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Articles Jon Hunt Articles Jon Hunt

Into the Wilderness

It is possible to drown out the groans of your soul and the voice of God by only achieving a little more, and a little more, and a little more, and a little… Always, and only — a little. A little — when life is done, only a little. You got away from your heart, and you died with a little…

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